Monday, September 04, 2006

Bad Cover Version by Pulp

The word's on the street: you've found someone new.
絕對係robbie williams啦下

If he looks nothing like me I'm so happy for you.

咁都唔係liam gallangher?把聲唔似,但咬字跟到十足,尤其個you既尾音呀下,我唱oasis都一

I heard an old girlfriend has turned to the church -
好老實我唔認得,有傳係kylie minogue……都唔似既,我第一眼當左jewel

she's trying to replace me, but it'll never work.
聽聞係david bowie,我起初唔覺,但後面d close up樣係有幾分……但唱得好唔似

呢個結他明顯係扮noel gallangher啦下,唔……著d衫幾似架

'Cos every touch reminds you of just how sweet it could have been
仲係bowie + kylie

And every time he kisses you it leaves behind the bitter taste of saccharine.
頂,呢個真係成個真既george michael咁!拿,呢個鏡頭果條友就有少少似bowie喇

A bad cover version of love is not the real thing.


Bikini-clad girl on the front who invited you in.
呢個都幾似,paul mccartney

Such great disappointment when you got him home -
肯定係craig david啦,不過我認得個樣咋,我同craig david唔係好熟

the original was so good; the one you no longer own.
女果個係咪就係頭先個kylie?之後個巨肺就明顯係tom jones,不過肥左少少咯我覺得

And every touch reminds you of just how sweet it could have been
仍然係tom jones啦下,中間彈結他果個應該係keith richard,之後果個係bjork?唱法似個頭似,但樣同聲都唔似喎大佬

And every time he kisses you, you get the taste of saccharine.
bowie又出現,呢句似少少,之後個kurt cobain去食屎啦!肥仔學乜野人扮kurt cobain呀真係!又扮得乞人憎!

It's not easy to forget me, it's so hard to disconnect
咁都唔係rod stewart?但佢好明顯係要扮把聲先似,所以唱得好蚊……之後果個我真係唔認得,d人話係meatloaf,一黎我同佢唔熟,二黎印象中meatloaf都唔係咁既樣的……

When it's electronically reprocessed to give a more life-like effect.
雪兒for sure,但我同佢唔熟,唔似幾多乘似了

打鼓呢個,好明顯係phil collins啦下,樣似得黎,點解個頭都可以禿得似……

Aah, sing your song about all the sad imitations that got it so wrong
果個黑鬼唔識得,之後呢個經典!pulp既mv入面搵返個扮jarvis cocker!笑q死!仲要唱得好那似喎衰鬼!之後個mick jagger有95%!果5%唔見左係因為我都仲可以睇得出佢係假既!但佢冇戴黑超都咁似,係咪應該加返分?

It's like a later "Tom & Jerry" when the two of them could talk
Like the Stones since the Eighties, like the last days of Southfork.
Like "Planet of the Apes" on TV, the second side of "'Til the Band Comes in"
Like an own-brand box of cornflakes: he's going to let you down my friend.
大合唱到彈琴明顯係Elton John啦,開頭都有佢,但都聽唔到佢似唔似了,樣就唔係十分似
搞管風琴(?)果個唔識……最後真.Jarvis Cocker出現了!感覺上應該係扮Queen既Brian May。

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