Saturday, October 23, 2010

America - Simon and Garfunkel

Anita用Simon and Garkunkel的一首歌,"America",去道她出要離家而去的心聲。母雜問她,為甚麼不能好好地談,而要去聽一首搖滾歌曲?

不單單是搖滾樂,有更多時候,我們會在流行音樂之中,聽到了我們的心聲。這正是我們喜歡流行樂的原因。(也是有些人其實不太喜愛也喜歡用它們來消遣的原因 =) )


講起Simon and Garfunkel,最廣為流傳的應該也是The Sound of Silent,是很多不知道誰是Simon and Garfunkel也曾聽過且列為最愛歌曲的一首。另一首在香港大家都聽過的當然是滔滔千里心啦……(原曲是Simon and Garfunkel的Bridges over troubled water)。


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bruce Springsteen

One of the most famous American Rock Critics Jon Landau wrote in 1974, "I saw rock and roll future, and its name is Bruce Springsteen. And on a night when I needed to feel young, he made me feel like I was hearing music for the very first time."

Whenever I read through some "Overrated" rock star list, Bruce Springsteen is quite often up on the list. Although as list he seldom top those list as Nirvana or even drawn up high as the Beatles (lol), he will usually scored in around mid of a top 10 list. Usually people would like, "why he is so popular? I have never heard anything of him is better than average".

I agree. The Boss is average. He is not "that" talented, he is not those made tremendous pieces that you'll think no one else on this planet will produce anything close.

But that's why the boss is great. Now you tell me what rock and roll means to you. High art? not a chance. We are talking about rock and roll. Something connected with us, all the blokes. It's about what we feel and what we think. It's about how the music is meaning to our life. It's authentic, not building up image which you claim you love a certain kind of music just becoz it makes you sound you are so much more intellectual or interesting than you really are.

Sing about bikes, girls, lose or win. It gives you more to think about for listening about those super massive blackhole things uhh? Think about it. When you talk about being authentic, you really sing about those blackhole things by heart?

And The Boss is nothing less than Poetic!

Anyway, that's what I love about the boss. You may say The Boss is overrated. But what we love about the Boss is he is one of the artists really sing about our life and that is.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

John Lennon and his 70th Birthday

我不會裝作很熟悉John Lennon(就是說,不會只聽過Imagine便裝著是他的大樂迷很欣賞他怎麼怎麼喇)。

即使我買了兩本有關John Lennon的事,也只是一直放在房間的地上,沒有那一種急不及待先睹而後快的情緒。


但談到John Lennon,他是否一個音樂巨人?他絕對是。除了死亡往往能把一個人巨大化之外,John Lennon作為一個搖滾樂與個人思想及社會文化連成一體也有著標誌性的影響。John Lennon的傳奇已經超越了他的音樂才華、他作為搖滾巨星的魅力,而是從他個人的思想而一直為人所談論。

即使是最虛有其表的人,也會跟你說很受"Imagine"歌詞所講述的大同世界所感動,而不是「John Lennon跳舞好勁!」、「John Lennon唱歌好掂!」、「John Lennon好型呀!」。

昨天把Google Doodle在公司內發了出去,老闆說John Lennon甚至The Beatles所有關的Illustration現在已經變成了和平的標誌。我突然間回頭一想,到底為甚麼我對60s - 70s Classic Rock會有一種不同的執著?


沒有人會喜歡六分鐘長的單曲,Bob Dylan去寫;沒有人會喜歡表演者在台上把結他摔壞,Pete Townshend去摔;穿得不成體統、近乎易服癖地上台會被人白眼嗎?但你會見到Marc Bolan及David Bowie。他們的初衷到底是否只為自我突出我們無法知道。但他們的確對樂迷的思想、社會規範及文化帶來了一定的衝擊。




現今的音樂在四十年後會否有著從現在而起,四十年前所謂的Classic Rock一般屹立不倒,感染著遲出生了三十年的人?我看,不會再有另一隊Beatles,不會再有另一個John Lennon。

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Say it loud - I play bass and I'm proud pt.4


我之前同人講想買呢支YAMAHA BB2004,$8200原價,$7300特價。有人第一句彈埋黎就話:「有錢仔!」





講到買Bass以至結他,其實當你去琴行玩得多,你就會好明白一個道理,貴既樂器的確會有佢既優點,但佢未必一定適合你。先唔好講TONE,我呢支BB2004係YAMAHA中價LINE,但同樣YAMAHA,Billy Sheehan signature既ATT LTD﹣II價位再高一截要萬幾蚊,但我一拎上手彈幾下己經過鍾意,條頸真係唔啱我。相返當年我第一次拎支BB2004上手,己經覺得彈得好舒服。

彈得不太好,練左幾下就錄,不過睇返條片,真係好鍾意呢支BB :)


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