Sunday, January 31, 2010

Say it loud - I play bass and I'm proud pt.2





20th Century Boy Bass Cover - The best home videos are here



另外,又綜合談一談學Bass的理由,正如上一篇所講原因不外乎三個。冇乜人彈容易入Band、容易彈,然後就是因為喜歡某一個Bass手。像上一Part談到那位作者是因為Larry Graham,網上一位非常好的Bass教師Kris Rodgers(Dmanlamius)是因為Flea。(我?講過喇,John Entwistle及恩田快人)


談到選Bass,Flea說他現在是rock star,這支Musicman是不用錢的。奇怪嗎?你越有錢便越少錢要用。

另外,主持你認識吧?River Phoenix,已故的李華馮力士,他過身是Flea是其中一個在他身邊的人。

Do you remember rock 'n' roll radio?

Do You Remember Rock 'n' Roll Radio Bass Cover - The most amazing videos are a click away

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Top 5 songs to start an ordinary day

5. In the morning by Bee Gees(1971)




4. Might be stars by The Wannadies(1995)

一聽就知係本人鍾意果類啦……一劈頭第一句:"We spend our money on guitars, write songs about our broken heart. We're shit city stars",行路都行快兩步。


當你果一朝有心情,"Chances are we might be star beloved forever",真係令良好既心情變得更加激奮。

3. A life less ordinary by Ash(1997)



2. There she goes again by The Velvet Underground(1967)

歌曲同呢個top 5主題可能真係離得好遠,但冇問題的,總之係一個平凡既上午,聽到呢首There she goes again,就是精神一振。

1. Everyday people by Sly & the Family Stone(1968)


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What's your genre?

Something mixed the rock and blues which also add a layer of funk on top of a acid-free-jazz with pop sense after a classical tradition as lazy as shoegaze but also some grunge bits. Incorporated the euro dance beat deviated from house and power chord strumming as raw as proto-punk and as sexy as the rockabilly. a little groovy, a little melancholic. contrarily, with also adding loads of punk's anger so that it will transform everything into the energy of neo-thrash hardcore metal with a hip hop attitude and new romantic aura out of the impressionism, however.

And I'm serious! LOL

Monday, January 18, 2010

Take up the bass when...

1.When you found yourself alone in the dark...

Take up the bass!

2. When you realized you have nothing else to do...

Take up the bass!

3. When you reckon there won't be any exciting live feeds pop up in facebook and no one even care to send you a message in msn...

Take up the bass!

4. When you are just sitting in front of the computer for nothing...

Take up the bass!

5. When you see there's no one holding your bass...

Take up the bass!

6. When there are 1000 reasons you shouldn't take up the bass...

Take up the bass!

7. When the kingdom come...

Take up the bass!

8. When both of your hand are holding ice-cream...

Take up the bass!

9. When there are forty five cops in front of you...

Take up the bass!

10. When the devil who bought the soul of Robert Johnson gets into you...

Take up the bass!

11. When the nightmare comes...

Take up the bass!

12. When baby you are gonna leave me....

Take up the bass!

13. When my mum hits my dad in head...

Take up the bass!

14. When someone play My Generation around...

Take up the bass!

15. When she comes back to you finally...

Take up the bass!

16. When the ghost of Jim Morrison shows up against your wall...

Take up the bass!

17. When Michael Jackson's dead has been confirmed as a hoax...

Take up the bass!

18. When Mr. Bowtie finally listens to the people instead of the North...

Take up the bass!

19. When your heart is still beating...

Take up the bass!

20. When the time is 3:12am(the time i have got to this pt) and you really should have been sleeping...

Take up the bass!

Just stop bullshit and go take up the fucking bass...


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Top 5 songs I know I'll love it when I first heard and was still listening to the intro and it turns out to be true




20th century boy by T-Rex



4. Light my fire by The Doors

Keyboard個節奏,幹,太強大了。當然,The Doors冇Bass手既時間,負責Bass Part既就係Keyboard手Ray Manzarek(係Jazz入面鋼琴亦經常係節奏部樂器黎)。

3. London calling - The Clash

個結他riff係好簡單,但一下一下鞭入你個腦入面,之後踢起埋個Bass,直到而家你提起The Clash,我個腦都會即刻想起呢一個Intro。

2. Stairway To heaven by Led Zeppelin


1. Like a rolling stone by Bob Dylan

Bruce Sprintsteen係1988年,Bob Dylan入選搖滾樂名人堂時介紹Bob Dylan,"The first time I heard Bob Dylan, I was in the car with my mother listening to WMCA, and on came that snare shot that sounded like somebody'd kicked open the door to your mind ... The way that Elvis freed your body, Dylan freed your mind, and showed us that because the music was physical did not mean it was anti-intellect. He had the vision and talent to make a pop song so that it contained the whole world. He invented a new way a pop singer could sound, broke through the limitations of what a recording could achieve, and he changed the face of rock'n'roll for ever and ever."

Honorable Mention:
Jungleland by Bruce Springsteen
Dreams by The Cranberries
Smoke on the water by Deep Purple
Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix
Voodoo child(slight return) by Jimi Hendrix
Immigrant song by Led Zeppelin
Champagne Supernova by Oasis
Innuendo by Queen
Baba O'Riley by The Who
Who are you by The Who
Won't get fooled again by The Who

Say it loud - I play bass and I'm proud pt.1



昨天,回程在火車上,看著那本在大阪三木樂器買回來的「Bass變強的100個貼士」。當中作者談起,他在學的時候,有一次聽到Sly & the Family Stone的歌,覺得喜歡便買了一張他們的唱片。之後聽到了"I wanna get you higher"及"Thank you",聽到完全不同bass彈奏方式,於是對Bass提起了興趣,而後來亦知道了那名Bass手叫Larry Graham,被公認為第一個使用Slapping同poping技術的Bass手。(這本書當然是日本文。內文除了兩首歌名,全都是日文。很明顯本人不懂看日文喇。那麼怎麼看得明?你唔好理)

今天,法國佬發了Joe Satriani的Youtube片給我,提起了當中的Bass跟結他一樣搶耳。他說,有人跟他說要學Bass,但連Bass跟結他有甚麼分別都不知道。又,他又認識Bass比結他容易,所以選Bass云云,法國佬便跟我談起Bass比較困難還是結他……




(摘自The Who Documentary "Amazing Journey: The Story of The Who",其中分開介紹四人的環節,當中John Entwistle及Keith Moon兩個環節是必看的,看完以後你應該會更懂得去欣賞音樂)





只要稍稍磨練一下節奏感及手指捉拍子技巧,沒兩下你已經可以上台演出了,這是真的,而同時期跟你開始學樂器而選了結他的朋友,可能連G chord也仍未按得緊。(也提一提,Bass的flets相對地闊,弦亦比較粗容易滑手,這也可能是它比結他要難的地方,但另一方面,bass大部份時候連雙音也不用彈,每次只用按一粒音,所以卻又有空間偷時間跳flet,比起結他同時按多弦,又不見得對左手手指的伸展有比較大的要求)



Tuesday, January 12, 2010











我敢保證很多拿50至51分的人,也以為自己要比被淘汰了的來得優勝一點。其實,很多都只不過是海軍鬥水兵而已。說實在,如果可以殺無赦,不用理會節目進度,跟本一大票的都可以打包回家。(我覺得比較可惜的是唱Frank Sinatra的那一位,能力上他比很多人都好,事實上效果亦要比很多不用耳朵的稍稍要好,但始終仍是被開刀了,其實一看外型,再看一看唱盧廣仲的那一位,評判考量在那裡大家都心照。不是誰比較好看,而是誰一看就知道沒有觀眾緣)






Saturday, January 09, 2010


據說,Bob Dylan將會於4月來港舉行濱唱會,這對本人來說實在是不能錯過。

要談Dylan的瑒場演出,當然要一提他在1965年的新港音樂節被台下樂迷柴台,以及在66年manchester free trade hall中受到樂迷高呼「猶大」對待。

在Dylan開始充滿迷幻味道的Like a rolling stone之前,有樂迷高呼"Judas!"(呢個樂迷既身份有點神秘,有兩個人被認為(自認)係呢個猶大呼叫者,分別叫John Cordwell同Keith Butler),當時係台上既Dylan一臉不肖(食左藥咁款),回應"I don't believe you...You're a liar",之後轉身對樂隊說"Play it fucking loud",之後在彈結他中途更舉手作出一個看起來像「There you go」的示意。

新港事件在I'm not there內亦有一個非常形象化的描述。

這兩件事件,觀眾有這個反應的起因都有不同的說法,但普遍都認為跟"Dylan went electric"有關。"Dylan went electric",今時今日看起來,不是一個民謠樂手的音樂取向轉變,而是一個流行音樂改朝換代的標誌性事件。

到底"Dylan went electric"是否一種背叛,事實都不太重要。但這個事件之中看到,樂迷原來也會有自己的想法,當樂手做出了他認為不對的事,他們不會盲目追從。他們是有思想,有判斷能力。



Tuesday, January 05, 2010

京阪冬之旅 四: 石橋樂器梅田店 (Tears In Heaven)


YAMAHA BB2004WH(WH for White)。




在網上先跟網上銷售部打探了一下BB的狀況,對方承諾在11月12日開始替本人保留著BB。本人到了酒店以後,跟替本人check in的那位很會傻笑的女服務員調侃了一下,便問她怎樣可以走到茶屋町,她說非常近,指了正確路線給本人,啊!真近……




店外的電影海報,有關擁有龐克教母之稱的Patti Smith。





P.S. 點解係Tears In Heaven呢你問,其實呢支BB2004係Nathan East Signature Model果一條Line的,而Clapton大部份時間既Bass手都係Nathan East,包括係下面Clapton經典既MTV Unplugged Tears In Heaven演出,係Clapton左手面彈Acoustic Bass果個黑人就係Nathan East。睇唔到樣?係呀,所有學手都有過Close Up,係得佢冇,雖然Tears In Heaven有Bass Solo,鏡頭一樣迴避Bass手。




Sunday, January 03, 2010

Top 5 things I miss about her

First, her laughters. She laughs like a witch but that's what I love to hear. It doesn't matter what's the sound. I can sense that when she is laughing, she is really laughing. She doesn't laugh for any social causes or nothing-is-more-appropriate-to-give-a-laugh-on-the-overwhelming-moment. She laughs because she wants to and that's the killing edge.

Second, she doesn't pretend she is good. I met a lot of girls who think they are good at anything but they really don't. Like, they would think they are pretty, but they are not. They think they are smart, wrong. They think putting out words that sounds technical means they are knowledgeable, very very wrong. and if you try to be honest and go to the fact, they get mad and being unreasonable. And I think it's pathetic. Some of them think they have arts sense, or they have taste on anything, and that's what make they more like self-overrated morons. She doesn't. She doesn't rate herself and she won't disagree what you rate on her. On that point, no one i have ever meet in my life could match her.

Third, she thinks. She always response with delay which you know she is working out on what you have just told her, even it's the most pointless or dirtiest joke you could ever talk to her. She is really listening to you. Yes, she is not that smart and doesn't think fast. But it's all about attitude. Having a person you like that she is so happy to think about what you say makes you feel so great. She makes you feel great!

And she has the sense of humor. When I say "the" sense of humor I mean the sense of humor which i really think it's the sense of humor. She doesn't make smart jokes, indeed, she is very good at stupid jokes. But she makes really lovely jokes, and I'm good at response to her jokes which is unexpected to her and makes her laugh. She really gets your jokes. Even it's not a very good one she can help you build it up and it turns out both of you laughing. Come on, I met so many girls think they are funny, pretends they have sense of humor and they know how to make fun of it. But they are not funny people at all. Their jokes are really something you would pay money so you don't have to listen to, because it's from a over-serious person who repeats a joke which is really cold as hell. really really terrible jokes.

Finally, she is so natural. On her looking, on her speaking, on her voice, on her dressing. She tries to look better and wear pretty outfit, she tries to add emotion on her speaking and voice. But those all suit her, and nothing over-dramatic, nothing really makes herself anxiety(but pretend cool and nothing special on her although you can see their real feeling from their face! god damn it pretentious girls!)

enough enough enough.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Yet another new year

So this is a new year. from 2009 to 2010. "Happy new year". It's more like a wish which never fucking comes true to someone has been getting fucked for years. But from deep down of our hearts, we all know it's a wish would never come true. It just like, yesterday was 2009, today is 2010. What's all the shit gonna be changed from one day to another? if it's gonna change, why it's not from the second last day of 2009 to the very last day of 2009? If a day is too short, the same could apply to year indeed. Why not 2008 to 2009? Face it. When you have been getting fucked for years, it's very unlikely something is gonna change in 2010. And whatever will happen in 2012 doesn't bother you much. It's not about fate, it's about you. You are who you are and you are still the one you was.

"Do people get sad on holiday sometimes? I can imagine they do, having all that time to think." "A Long Way Down" by Nick Hornby.

You really got me.

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