Tuesday, August 30, 2011

東京冬遊 一 日野巿:尋找土方歲三 (下) 石田寺與資料館








在新井橋上看淺川。如果是跟愛人同行,我想我會撥一天的時間在淺川及多摩川邊行邊拍影 :)








Monday, August 22, 2011

買Bass黎講 - 初學者


買Bass係差不多每一個初學者都會遇到既一大難題。記得本人初初買第一支Bass時,身邊跟本冇半個可以托付既人,就只能夠問短成呢位是但求其馬虎既人。最後誤打誤撞,就左一支自己都幾鍾意既Washburn,都算係咁啦。雖然我唔係啲乜野大師父,但前後都買過五支Bass,亦有買錯過,加上我去通利玩人地啲Bass既興趣,除左香港之外亦走遍左東京、台北、台中既結他店(其實同識買Bass一啲關係都冇),總有少少心得去分享。而且我唔用一個技術角度去講,而係用大部份人購物既角度去幫一幫大家。Check parts check頸果啲點做大家大可以上網去搵,我會將個重點放係選擇。




- BUDGET!!無論幾好既Bass,Out of budget既就算數啦……係咪?
- 用途。呢一點好多人買Bass都會忽略,但其實你想用呢支Bass黎玩乜野對你揀Bass係好重要既。首先,會遇到選擇Bass既問題會有以下各種人士:

  1. 乜都唔知既初學者
  2. 聽完RHCP、Muse之類,想模仿佢地偶像而學Bass既朋友
  3. 本身已經有一支初階Bass,已經突破左自己唔會半途而廢既心理關口,想買一支好啲既朋友
  4. 技術已經精進到一定程度,覺得自己支Bass做唔到某啲自己要做既野既朋友
  5. 大師級買玩具



- Active vs Passive - (不用太理會)
主要分別就係passive circuit既bass唔需要入電池,active既多數要入一舊9V電去推個preamp。冇話邊一種好啲,active既通常有有多啲控制音質既knob,passive會少啲。但亦好多人會覺得,因為多左個preamp,唔多唔少已經改變左來自支bass既音質,passive既bass,來自body同頸既木聲會更突出。初學者唔需要太介懷呢方面。

- 四弦 vs 五弦 - (初學者請買四弦)
五弦既通常多左一條low B(嘿),六弦既通常會再多一條High C。初學者手掌同手指都未鬆,五弦太難控制,為左你自己既持續興趣,四弦會保險啲。

- Fretted vs Fretless - (如無特別要求,初學者請買Fretted)

- P Bass vs J Bass - (請無視)
P Bass係所謂Fender所製既電Bass,因為以前既upright bass都係冇格,P for Precision,就係因為佢有格。J Bass就係P Bass之後既另一款,body細啲音色圓滑啲。因為係最早期既bass,好多人都鍾意用P style或者J style去分之後唔同廠牌既Bass。但呢啲野對初學者係完全唔重要的(至少我係咁認為)。



如果你仲係唔知買幾錢,我建議初學者買$1500 - $4000既Bass

不過撇除呢啲野,最重要既一點,係一支你啱睇,拎上手亦好舒服既Bass。上手時,留意條頸既邊位同背同你隻左手有冇咩感覺,滑又好鞋又好會入手掌肉又好圓滑又好,總之你鍾意呢種感覺就得。另外右手放係body既感覺亦可以係決定性的,我咁鍾意支Yamaha BB2004,右手放係body既感覺是重點。

2.既朋友好多時都比1.既朋友更捨得花錢,因為佢地都好想可以去模仿自己既偶像。係呢到我既意見你,冇問題,你有錢咪得。而我亦假設你開頭先彈Flea既style,唔會過左兩年又主力走去彈Billy Sheehan果啲。重之你有錢,初學一樣可以為左Flea而萬幾蚊買支stingray。但重點都係要留意,你呢一支bass都要幫到你去學Beginner既技巧,而唔會產生障礙。例如你好種意Stuart Zender,即使你唔一擲萬金咁去買佢支signature,都走去買一支Warwick。但你就要小心Warwick除左聲比較有個性,佢好多model條頸都比較厚,初學者係好有機會因此而遇到學習障礙。

我自己既意見都係,學偶像既技巧、風格,再融入自己既個性,Gear係冇需要死跟的,唔好學啲形式主意既小學雞。我最鍾意既Bass手係John Entwistle、恩田快人、Les Claypool。但我而家既頭號Bass仍然係比較接近Nathan East style既Yamaha BB2004。


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Red Hot Chili Peppers Live in Hong Kong

Of course, I'm not one of the biggest fans you know of RHCP. I'm not really a fan, anyway. On the other hand, I'm neither one of the biggest fan of Flea. Flea is probably one of the most popular bassists nowadays along with Victor Wooten, from my observation. Both of them got much more attention than other bassist as amazing as them either in the same genre or across genre. It's okay. I'm not one the biggest fan of Flea, because most of the other guys are just so crazily admire him. Understand his development as a bassist or as a musician, knowing all of his gear...

No matter what, RHCP is one of the band I really wanna go to see live, and Flea is the bassist I really wanna see live, as many other excellent bassists.

I arrived Asia Expo around 19:40 with my friend and got into the hall immediately, of course. There were bunch of guys waiting and impossible to get closer as I expect already. Can't remember well how long we have waited because I was busy on explaining the reason I learn to play bass and also how brilliant John Entwistle and Flea is.

Mars Volta hit the stage. I don't really know them before or after the show. They got the most responses I have ever seen in Hong Kong to the opening act. But as far as I sense, the response were really extreme. People either appraised them or booed them. If they knww cantonese they may understand someone was actually booing them.

I don't know. But I can tell they are a good band. The guitarist were better than most regular guitarists. He didn't pull out some most memorable nor melodic solo. But it's loud and energetic, and it's not easy at all. The rhythm section was really really solid. The drummer pulled off a lot of complex rhythm and the bassist got great riff. Their music, however, was too complex. It's not something you will really enjoy if you don't even know them. The rhythm was complex and no backbeat. It's like bending metal towards fusion. It's not for dancing or head banging. And they did a long long long improvisation(as least I think it is).

However, it's not a progressive/psychedelic year anymore. Indeed, Hong Kong is never a place for progressive rock(Muse? come on....)

Hong Kong is not a place for Mars Volta, I can tell.

For the RHCP's part, I dunno what to say. They started it with "By The Way" but I really had no time for the song. As least I know Anthoy Kiedis had a coat on for that song. Some expats behind did the stage charging thing, I have been push and move 2 feet forward and then pulled back 5-6 steps. After that, being push and moved to the right for 5-6 steps.

check out the "fluidity" of the standing zone crowd... fore and back, fore and back

It's the wildest moment I have ever experienced in any gigs. Maybe I was not at the front for the Mr. Big show. I don't know. It's really the craziest moment in a gig can be. Someone will be killed if they can't stay on their feet. lol

I don't think the sound was that bad this time. Maybe I was at the front. I can hear Anthony and Flea clearly, even his gags. On the other hand, I have more problem in hearing the guitar. The bass was okay, and Flea was ass kicking(of course! it's Flea!!!). One of the highlite moment was of course, when Flea said when u got to one point of a show, you gotta play a real slow song and it turned out to be "Right on time". Followed by "Californication", "High ground" and "Under the bridge"(lighter! I saw one lighter in front of me. And I told my friend "He uses lighter! why don't he use his phone?"). Omg they played all the most popular song in the end of the show.

Sing along together, fuckers lol

No song is better for head banging in a RHCP show =)

But it's okay right? like, if they didn't end it "Under The Bridge", people will know they will come back on stage and do an encore with "Under the Bridge". Because it's not the song you can "not doing it". People really should show more passions if they really want an encore nowadays. Screamming, shouting, clapping instead of standing there and wait.

They won't leave the stage without doing this

Of course we got an encore, with a Robert Johnson cover and also ended it with "Give it away".

The only complain I have about the RHCP part is only people blocked my sight to Flea, and the mustache of Anthony Kiedis(As many people said, it made him look more like a porn star than a rock star).

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Nowhere Boy - 約翰連儂:不羈前傳

我對搖滾樂手的傳記片向來要求也比較低,其中一個原因當然是因為我對搖滾樂的特殊喜愛(當然啦...哈哈),另一點則是,常見都拍得不太好……通常過於把成名的搖滾樂手的生命刻板化。「奮鬥、成功、迷失、死亡」,這種荷里活的處理方式尤其常見於所有名成利就的名人。聽說Jimi Hendrix及Janis Joplin的製作都被停止了,其實我是有點感到高興。至於Mike Myers主演Keith Moon的那一套,還有傳聞中由Johnny Depp去飾演Freddie Mercury,製作到底去到了那一個階段我已沒有再去理會了,至於哈比人Elijah Wood去飾演Iggy Pop前半生那一套,聞說已經中止了製作,可喜可賀。不幸的就是Jim Morrison吧,起碼Oliver Stone那一套,主演的Val Kilmar跟他長得還算相像……哈哈。

話是這樣說,其實我仍然是很喜歡看的,如果那名樂手是我比較喜歡的話。(所以我還沒有看Ray或Johnny Cash,另一方面我始終未提得起勁去看The Doors)

John Lennon的Biopic這不是第一套,不過也只是我看過的第一套。故事集中在Lennon的少年時代,由他5歲的時候開始決定跟隨父親生活,直至他第一次跟團員到漢堡為止。故事集中於描述Lennon的少年時代跟母親及姨媽之間的關係。


敘事方面稍有點「兩頭唔到岸」,在嘗試緊密與輕描淡寫之間,有一點找不著邊的感覺,節奏的安排有一點失衡的感到。而令我覺得最可惜的,是姨媽的角色。她有最好的演員演出,但角色的神采則喪失於導演的安排。故事很快便投入描寫母親的出面,對Lennon的影響。母親的角色很有力量,也很搶眼,整個角色的性格輪廓、對Lennon的眷戀都很快便刻劃了出來。姨媽的性格在起初的描寫中也很明確,卻欠了一點最重要的內涵 — 在她的嚴格及冷酷中包藏的愛,不輪是對丈夫還是Lennon,就是滲透不了出來,這就令之後他對Lennon遲來的關懷及情感變得太突兀。

故事以外的其他感想,好像有朋友以為John Lennon大談Peace and Love跟他的少年反叛形像不相襯,但事實上Peace and Love這種嬉皮態度,一直都是很反叛反社會,這種Lennon少年時代的所作所為其實是沒有矛盾。



另外,Paul的演員也真的不太Paul了……不過,起碼George仍然是最好看就對了 =D

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