Sunday, March 11, 2007


I just can never get along with such a hypocritic person. What the fook are u talking about? You are a smart boy and you play tricks on people. You are a clever boy and you are good at using people. You are a good boy just because you hide the truth that you have done something people don't like!

So you think you are successful?

Come on, why don't u tell the truth? Using people, fine. Never give your heart out, fine. Buy the best lunchbox in the universe, fine. Save money and being cheap when u are rich, fine. I can bear with any trash talk or tricky smile or impolite attitude.

So you want your face in front of people, relatives and elders, fine, I can understand.

But friendship seems nothing too? I'm lucky i'm not your friend.

Authentic. Yeah! You can never success with authentic and u are not the man in this world. But I would keep my authentic to against those hypocrtic sonofabitch and fook them all. u good, smart clever and nice boy, here is the rebellious revolutionaire that never join you ass.


I'm really upset and really downhearted. Yep, we are shitty stupid dump achieved nothing and always being fooled. But fook you that we are real friends, good folks and careful to each other.

"You are more important" my ass! Go beaching and stop telling this rubbish.

I never got such a hatred from my heart.

Count me out. Really really count me out.

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