Thursday, August 31, 2006




BlurEnd of a Century,每一次聽起來情緒也會變得高漲,雖然那是一首非常適合大合唱的歌,但無論如何都不見得怎麼激昂。但,聽眾們永遠都興奮得好像要流出眼淚,那是源自一份莫名的共鳴。

如果說,由英國樂隊blur帶起的Britpop行動是在對抗以Nirvana為首的美國Grunge Rock風潮,即使在搖滾史上兩者不能相題並論,或許End of a Century就是與NirvanaSmells Like Teen Spirit作為兩種文化對同一主題的不同表述。

不知與那陰晴不定的天氣有沒有關係,來自英國的音樂很多時聽起來總是多了一層陰霾,blurEnd of a Century聽起來就與那在濃霧中的倫敦一般,令人感到一種一蹶不振的心情,而不如那來自大西洋彼岸的雨城西雅圖之音,在雨中激發出怒氣。Smells Like Teen Spirit成為了九十年代的X世代之歌,為一代人唱出了源自心中對生活苦悶的激憤及抗拒。而End of a Century,就只像在一個男孩漠視著一切,細味著苦悶的人生,一籌莫展。








End of a Century

By blur

She says theres ants in the carpet
Dirty little monsters
Eating all the morsels
Picking up the rubbish
Give her effervescence
She needs a little sparkle
Good morning tv
Youre looking so healthy

We all say, dont want to be alone
We wear the same clothes cos we feel the same
And kiss with dry lips when we say goodnight
End of a century
Oh, its nothing special

Sex on the tv
Everybodys at it
And the mind gets dirty
As you get closer to thirty
He gives her a cuddle
Glowing in a huddle
Good night tv
Youre all made up
And youre looking like me

We all say, dont want to be alone
We wear the same clothes cos we feel the same
And kiss with dry lips when we say goodnight
End of a century
Oh, its nothing special

Can you eat her?
Yes, you can.

We all say, dont want to be alone
We wear the same clothes cos we feel the same
And kiss with dry lips when we say goodnight
End of a century
Oh, its nothing special

We all say, dont want to be alone
We wear the same clothes cos we feel the same
And kiss with dry lips when we say goodnight
End of a century
Oh, its nothing special
Oh, end of a century
Oh, its nothing special

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