Wednesday, September 12, 2007

You know you're from Hong Kong when...

You pretend (and tell people) that you know Mandarin because you can speak Cantonese. - No, I pretend and tell people i can't speak Mandarin and I actually can't speak. But I can talk to people in Mandarin quite fluently(!)

You started singing karaoke when you were five. - should be when i was 19 or something

You are an expert in mahjong. - I play, but without really knowing the rule

You tip only 10%. - what do u mean by only?

You prefer Sony. - Sorry

You have more than 30 cousins. - No

You confuse Welcome with Wellcome. - Never

You have many credit cards. - I have exactly one credit card

You have more than two DVD players at home. - if dc dvd rom count, i should have 5

You wear famous brand clothes: DKNY, Versace, Chanel, Polo, etc. even though all your Polo shirts are from ladies’ market. - I have none of these brands

You always have the latest mobile phone. - not at all. I start to have my self mobile at 19 and i only have had 2 up to now and the latest one is a more than 2 years model

You play badminton. - No

You drink vita soy. - No, lemon tea though

You love to go yum cha. - I like it but not really keen on that.

Your friends ask you if Hong Kong is a country. - this one is for overseas hong kong people

You call a lot of your friends Fei Jai. - No. I call a lot of my friends pok guy

You’ve lost a lot of money on the Mark Six. - No. just ever bought 2 or 3 in my life

You know what it means when you call someone inch. -why not?

You eat instant noodles too often. - This is a relative question and i do think i am, just don't know if really too often to compare with others

You've dyed your hair before. - Never

You are studying engineering, business management or law. - I'm an engineering student.

You try to avoid pork chops. And i'm not talking about the food. - sure

When you go back to Hong Kong, the last thing your smoking friend asks you is to buy them a carton of Reds. - I live in hong kong

You read "tsing tao" instead of "world journal" or "china press." - it's a tough question. I think I don't reap papers

You party at Club 7-11. - No party for me

You ALWAYS buy real software and DVDs. ALWAYS. - I often buy the not so real DVD

You never order appetizers at a restaurant. - Yup

Your Chinese handwriting really sucks. - I never met anyone sucker then me. I bet you're not. Many people challenge me before and all surrender when they actually saw my writing.

You build a mountain of salad when you eat in Pizza Hut. - I never eat in Pizza Hut

Your stationery has pictures of your favourite cartoon character. - Nope

People accuse you of having (and starting) SARS. - Not for me

Your foreign friends don't mess with you because they think you know kung fu. - I friendly to them because they don't think I know kung fu

You have a collection of model robots, built or yet to be built. - Not for me

If someone buys something, you brag about how its cheaper in Hong Kong. - Never

When you leave HK, you always stock up on duty free at the airport. - I never leave HK

When having dim sum, you rinse your dishes in hot water before you eat. - I do

You have two middle initials instead of the usual one. - I don't really understand this...but i think i do

You spit bones and food scraps on the table. - Not much to tell on this

You have heaps of shoes and slippers blocking the entrance to your home. - not for me

Your kitchen is coated in a film of sticky grease. - i don't have my own kitchen

Your cook top is covered with tin foil. - no

You buy $10 VCDs. - I don't. I buy DVD

You hate nerds, even though you are one. - I hate people hate nerds. You are not any smarter just because you are not a nerd. You are not nerdy you can still be retarded.

You ask, "when are you going back to Hong Kong?" instead of "when are you going to Hong Kong?". - never ask

You miss the drinks and snacks that you can only get in Hong Kong. - I don't

You have a Walkman, Discman and Minidisk player that you don’t use anymore because you use an MP3 player. - I'm still using my Discman

You use tick tick pencils instead of regular pencils. - True

You've played all the computer games that have ever come out. - I only play FM right now

You play ... err ... you ARE the Street Fighter Champion. - I'm not good at that

You show off your mobile phone that you got in Hong Kong "for cheap." - Nope

Your luggage is near empty when you arrive in HK, and it's full when you leave. - Not for me

You expect to pay for transport in other countries with your Octopus card, only to be disappointed. - never visit other countries

If your are a guy you are really interested in military stuff (guns, aircraft, tanks), but you’re too pussy to be a soldier. - No interest at all.

You inherit your elder brother's clothes and your younger brother inherits your clothes. - I don't have any brothers

You once had loads of 4wd model cars. - No

You’ve had a Tamagotchi. - No, never

You have a PlayStation, Gamecube, Xbox and you will get the Xbox 360 soon. - kind of correct

You use Bak Fa Yao. - Nope

Justin's gay. - Steal tin or Justin Timberlake ain't gay. They are meat eaters

You have at least one shirt that says "Hong Kong" on the front. - I have 3 writes "The Who", none with "Hong Kong"

When there is a sale on toilet paper, you buy 100 rolls and store them in your closet or in the bedroom of an adult child who has moved out. - My mum does and I take it as myself

You have a vinyl table cloth on your kitchen table. - Nope

You use Park 'N Shop bags as binliners. - Alright

You always leave your shoes at the door. - True

You have a piano in your living room. - Used to, now only my organ

You can twirl your pen around your fingers. - I can't

You eat red bean popsicles. - I don't like it

When you go to a dance party, there are a wall of guys surrounding the dance floor trying to look cool. - never go to dance party

People ask you if there are trees in Hong Kong, and they don't believe you when you tell them that 76% of HK is green. - Maybe, my American roommate, sean, did tell me he has though hong kong is not that green but it ends up trees are everywhere

You wish you were Son Goku. - I want to be vegeta

Or that you had Ding Dong's pouch. - i don't

Owning a Mercedes Benz means you are well off, but it's nothing compared to owning a lawn mower - the ultimate status symbol. - I agree with this. I don't fancy Mercedes at all. It's everywhere in HK. The point is people having this are just having a lower class and have to drive by themselves. Pointless. Why drive an old man car when u are trying to get a girl in your car? May it be the (kong) girls only view money but not taste.

You feel like you've gotten a good deal if you didn't pay tax. - why not?

If you're a guy, you wear basketball shorts as pajamas. - True

Your mother used to hit you with a chicken-feather duster and shout "da sei lei!" - this one is good

You beat eggs with chopsticks instead of a fork. - I beat it with what ever I've got. usually a bowl

You like Chinese films in their original undubbed versions. - sure

You're in another country and everything moves so slowly. - it should be

You like congee with thousand year old eggs. - i think you mean skin egg? yes!

You prefer your shrimp with the heads and legs still attached. - nope, i love convenience

You're in love with David Beckham. More for the ladies, but some of you guys do too ;) - this guy is fucking overrated in a way.

You use a face cloth. - I hope i get it right

You use a clothes line. - yup

You starve yourself before going to all you can eat sushi. - I don't eat sushi

You miss the MTR, and Red Taxis. - what for? paying money?

You know someone who can get you a good deal on electronics. - Nope

Chinese food in other countries doesn't taste right. - I'll bet

You never discuss your love life with your parents. - Come on, i don't even discuss with my friend

Your parents are never happy with your grades. - things changed when I has been into university, because they don't know and don't care anymore.

You keep most of your money in a savings account. - Yes

You love Chinese Martial Arts films. - not really love but it's alright to me.

You have Tupperware in your fridge with three bites of rice or one leftover chicken wing. - No

Shaolin and Wu Tang actually mean something to you. - Sure, I know them

You shat your pants before the 1997 handover. - I don't, nothing to be afraid. When it has to come, it has to come.

You own a Snoopy toy from Mcdonalds. - Never

You never order sweet-n-sour pork, egg foo young, or chop suey at a Chinese restaurant. - Maybe

You tell your friends that people don’t actually eat prawn crackers in HK, and they don't believe you. - never tell this to my friend

You turn bright red after drinking alcohol. - I never try but i think i do

You look like you are sixteen. - SURE!!!

You have more than five remotes in your house. - true

You wear (or need) glasses. - yep, since 11 or 12

Your parents (or some other close relative) own a grocery store or restaurant. - No

Your grandmother lives with you and your family. - it's more complicated than this but i think it's kind of correct

You always have water when dining out. - yes

You say aiya! and wah!. - wei! wei! waa!! wasa!!!!

You’re mum talks to you in Chinese and you reply in English. - i don't

It annoys you how shops close at 5pm in other countries and you expect them to be open. - I think so

You love little red envelopes. - I'm alright with this

You cut your own hair, or get friends to cut your hair. - no

You know at least three people named Alan Wong. - seems not

People don't believe that you live on the 28th floor. - i don't think so

Your dad is some sort of engineer. - sort of correct

Your parents still tried to get you into places half-price saying you were 12 when you were really 15. - maybe

You ask your parents help on one math problem and 2 hours later they're still lecturing. - never ask

You're in another country and you try to make a local call, but wtf? you have to pay for it! - never in another country

You have a 40 lb. bag of rice in your kitchen. - I think so

You've had a bowl haircut at one time in your life. - ok

Your parents compare you with their colleagues' nerdy kids. - sure

You've mastered the art of bargaining. - No

You eat bak choy. - sure

You wish you could go back to Hong Kong for just 1 day, which you would spend shopping and eating. - sure

Your favourite movie is Shaolin Soccer. - no, not at all

And you play football in baak faan yu. - no i don't

You make a list of things to do and buy when you get back. - NO

You have no eyelashes. - what?

Your parents expect you to be best friends with nerds. - I think so

And always tell you your cool friends are bad. - I have friends want to be cool but they don't. Some nerdy pretend smart and they don't

Your relatives' houses smell like incense. - No

Everyone thinks you're good at math. - No

You say, "University level maths? I took University level maths in year 8!" - No

You are the god of gamblers. (doe sun) - I don't gamble

You think Sailor Moon is hot. - She sucks. Kind of kong girl

You learned about the birds and the bees from someone other than your parents. - I think so

You have way more technology than your foreign friends. - No

All of your friends ask you to translate whenever they see Chinese characters. - true

The vast majority of the people related to you wear glasses/contacts. - true

Your parents have either made you play the piano, the violin, or both. - not exactly but i think it does the same way

You get nothing if you do well in school, but crapped on if you don't. - I think so

You think Mcdonalds in other countries is expensive. - sure

You get homesick when you watch Rush Hour 2. - nope

Your dad still pulls his socks up to his knees. - i don't think so. I haven't checked but i don't think so

Your family always cheers for the Asian athlete on TV. - Not exactly

The furniture in your house never matches the wallpaper, the carpet, the decorations, or any of the rest of the furniture. - i think so

You hit aeroplanes. - I don't understand this!(do you think i'd tell you this?)

You own a rice cooker. - it belongs to my mum

You buy soy sauce by the gallon. - no

People think that PK stands for Penalty Kick, but you know what it really means - to be true, in person I never say pk, what for? I simply speak it out, yes, you are pok guy

Your friends ask you if Hong Kong is in Japan. - no

You tell all of your foreign friends that you are related to Jackie Chan and they believe you. - i didn't

and lastly,

You know you're from Hong Kong when you're from the most awesome city in the world! - i don't. I'm from a crowded and rushing city.

So, I don't think I'm from Hong Kong

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