Friday, September 28, 2007

You know you're from HKUST when ...

You are not surprised by the beauty of any other campus on the planet. - I'll say

You sleep during the day and work during the night. - Used to. Not for now

You think your university is the best in Hong Kong and Asia. - Yeh, and i know the it's vague but everyone have their own definition of goodness

Your friends admire those students' amenities at seafront and such a wonderful sea view at campus. - Most of my friends either HKUST graduates, students, never visit HKUST or visited HKUST too often

You have so many mid-terms, papers and projects while your friends from other university don't. - I don't have too many friends from other universities

You assume that the student amenities, how fine they are, are free of charge. - I think so

You feel it commonplace that your teachers are from schools like MIT, Stanford and Harvard. - Not many in my department but it doesn't mean my teachers are bad. They are either making good in research or teaching or both. So don't be that fucking arrogant, business slickers

You truly understand that it is University of STRESS and TENSION. - why not?

CGA represents everything. - fuck cga

You freeze your ass off in the library because the air conditioner is on full blast in winter. - I don't know. It's the place for people to study or squeeze their bf/gf and i didn't study and I didn't have bf(!)

Exchange students tell you "isn't UST for University of Sightseeing and Tourism?" - not for those i know

You don't have to take care whether it rains or not because you can simply walk through bridges, lifts and escalators to get to the classrooms / canteen / library. - sure, especially for hall one guys like me

A large part of photos in your album are taken at your university campus. - true

You prefer ThinkPad. - fuck that i have missed this year ownership promotion...

You don't really sleep. - not for now

You are neither a doctor nor a lawyer. - nothing more i can make from this point. YES

You are an IT fan. - nope. not at all. I'm a programmer. I won't say I'm an IT guy also I should be. But the fucking term make me think of the people pretend smart, always try to show they are superior to you technically, dressing up and fooling around. I'm not in that rank and I'm just happy to learn technical knowledge and making progress in my job

You check email every three minutes. - yeh, and gmail has polling

You receive email from the professor at 2:00 am - i did

Every professor thinks that his course is the only one you are taking. - that's absolutely true. So you know HKUST is the place to make your tuition fee worthwhile as you got 4-5 semesters' workload in a single semester

You are late for a 10:00 am class. - usually i'd skip them. not for the music class though

Your boss is amazed at your math. - my math sucks and my boss is from MIT. So the bigger chance is I'm amazed at his math

You have to think about how long it takes on the road only to go out for shopping or tea. - neutral. sometime did and sometime didn't. I'm hall one guy

You run into the University President in the canteen. - used to be like that? Not for Paul Chu

You go back to the campus to swim and play football even after graduation. - no

You admit that you are a nerd or geek. - technically a false, as I'm a nerd and geek

You know that "Nano" is not a type of rice. - come one, it's common sense, really people don't know what nano is?

You date in the library. - date lee lo mo

You fall asleep in the extremely comfortable sofa in the library with unbeaten sea view. - Not for me. but my fyp advisor, prof. Andrew Horner did. and I gave him the nickname 向海男

Whatever you do, your always do it with your heart. - I have to, I'll die without a heart which is working properly

and lastly,

You know you're from HKUST when you're from the most awesome university on the planet! - ok, alright, yea, it's enough pal

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