Thursday, October 06, 2011

Steve Jobs dies

And I'm on the bus and using my blogger app at the very first time. of cause, I'm using an iPhone 3G. it fits my image very well isn't it? an old fashioned backdated iPhone app developer, just saying.

What or Who Steve Jobs is to me? Of course, If it's not Steve Jobs, maybe I'll never be a developer of iPhone app. And very likely I won't be writing blog with my phone. But to me, and to many people who either love or hate apple, iPhone or Steve Jobs, he is the inspiration. Yes, indeed, even when you hate him.

He is something, he is special. No matter about his design, his temperament, his life, his attitude to life, his marketing sense or just his skill on presentation, all of you have to agree. He is the one you want or you need to know more about. He gives you what you need to think about.

Okay. Even his dead, gives me something to think people to think about.

As I'm a hater myself, I hate lots of bubblegum pop stars, lots of insufferable Rock bands, lots of overrated footballer, I hate them as much as many people hate Steve Jobs. However, the death of those people I hate, usually come so much after they had already fade away. When they are not relevant anymore, your can take it easy on your hate, simply say "RIP Chris Martin" without any difficulties.

It will be interesting to see how haters would have response when the one they hate died, when their hate on the person is still at the peak. That's really something I don't know, and I wanna know. And it will be easy to observe today.

Thanks Steve.

R.I.P. Steve Jobs. Ex CEO and cofounder of Apple Inc.

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