Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I'm tired

"Are you tired?"

"Yes. I'm tired. But since I can still answer you, I think I'm not that tired. In fact, if I'm that tired, I will be too tired to speak to you and just tell you fuck off. But now, I'm not that tired, so even deep down my heart I'm so annoyed I wanna tell you to fuck off, I decided not to and keep wasting my energy to answer you that I'm tired. Of course, now you will think, if I'm tired and speaking to you would used up significant energy of me, how come I speak so much to you? The answer is simple. I'm trying to make myself so tired, really tired, that I'll be tired enough so I won't answer you and just tell you to fuck off. Okay, now I'm tired enough. So, fuck off."

"Fucking hipster."

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