Sunday, January 17, 2010

Top 5 songs I know I'll love it when I first heard and was still listening to the intro and it turns out to be true




20th century boy by T-Rex



4. Light my fire by The Doors

Keyboard個節奏,幹,太強大了。當然,The Doors冇Bass手既時間,負責Bass Part既就係Keyboard手Ray Manzarek(係Jazz入面鋼琴亦經常係節奏部樂器黎)。

3. London calling - The Clash

個結他riff係好簡單,但一下一下鞭入你個腦入面,之後踢起埋個Bass,直到而家你提起The Clash,我個腦都會即刻想起呢一個Intro。

2. Stairway To heaven by Led Zeppelin


1. Like a rolling stone by Bob Dylan

Bruce Sprintsteen係1988年,Bob Dylan入選搖滾樂名人堂時介紹Bob Dylan,"The first time I heard Bob Dylan, I was in the car with my mother listening to WMCA, and on came that snare shot that sounded like somebody'd kicked open the door to your mind ... The way that Elvis freed your body, Dylan freed your mind, and showed us that because the music was physical did not mean it was anti-intellect. He had the vision and talent to make a pop song so that it contained the whole world. He invented a new way a pop singer could sound, broke through the limitations of what a recording could achieve, and he changed the face of rock'n'roll for ever and ever."

Honorable Mention:
Jungleland by Bruce Springsteen
Dreams by The Cranberries
Smoke on the water by Deep Purple
Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix
Voodoo child(slight return) by Jimi Hendrix
Immigrant song by Led Zeppelin
Champagne Supernova by Oasis
Innuendo by Queen
Baba O'Riley by The Who
Who are you by The Who
Won't get fooled again by The Who

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