Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bruce Springsteen

One of the most famous American Rock Critics Jon Landau wrote in 1974, "I saw rock and roll future, and its name is Bruce Springsteen. And on a night when I needed to feel young, he made me feel like I was hearing music for the very first time."

Whenever I read through some "Overrated" rock star list, Bruce Springsteen is quite often up on the list. Although as list he seldom top those list as Nirvana or even drawn up high as the Beatles (lol), he will usually scored in around mid of a top 10 list. Usually people would like, "why he is so popular? I have never heard anything of him is better than average".

I agree. The Boss is average. He is not "that" talented, he is not those made tremendous pieces that you'll think no one else on this planet will produce anything close.

But that's why the boss is great. Now you tell me what rock and roll means to you. High art? not a chance. We are talking about rock and roll. Something connected with us, all the blokes. It's about what we feel and what we think. It's about how the music is meaning to our life. It's authentic, not building up image which you claim you love a certain kind of music just becoz it makes you sound you are so much more intellectual or interesting than you really are.

Sing about bikes, girls, lose or win. It gives you more to think about for listening about those super massive blackhole things uhh? Think about it. When you talk about being authentic, you really sing about those blackhole things by heart?

And The Boss is nothing less than Poetic!

Anyway, that's what I love about the boss. You may say The Boss is overrated. But what we love about the Boss is he is one of the artists really sing about our life and that is.

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