Thursday, January 19, 2012

All that Tweet - #FactsWithoutWikipedia

- Singapore fried rice noodles originated from Singapore

- "Super Man" Ka-Shing Li married Cathy Chui. His son Richard Li then married Isabella Leong instead.

- Facebook is a better place to share ideas and thinking than Twitter

- We all care and love Google+

- Emile Heskey is the best English striker in 90s and scored more goals than Kobe Bryant.

- van Bommel is a good footballer. So good that he doesn't care to kick the football at all. He kicks something else.

- Coldplay, in contrary to its name, play energetic music. Even Billie Joe Armstrong plays their music in tea party.

- Simple Plan is the punk-est band ever. In certain degree, they invent the 3rd wave punk rock, with tempo under 80bpm.

- Moses asked God who is the greatest rock guitarist ever. God didn't answer, hummed the riff of Purple Haze, however.

- Lucifer told god Matt Bellamy is a better guitarist than Joe Satriani. He was then sent to hell and renamed Satanrini

- Jim Morrison didn't die of that sort of heart attack. I mean, not a bathtub masturbation triggered one.

- is the dullest trend that twitter ever had

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