(desktop仍然未救援,要死既始終會死,未死既唔會被傳染,慢慢黎唔駛急,我估都係display card架喇……而家d新display card係咪都係行pci express,好少agp架喇?)
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
You know you're from HKUST when ...
You are not surprised by the beauty of any other campus on the planet. - I'll say
You sleep during the day and work during the night. - Used to. Not for now
You think your university is the best in Hong Kong and Asia. - Yeh, and i know the it's vague but everyone have their own definition of goodness
Your friends admire those students' amenities at seafront and such a wonderful sea view at campus. - Most of my friends either HKUST graduates, students, never visit HKUST or visited HKUST too often
You have so many mid-terms, papers and projects while your friends from other university don't. - I don't have too many friends from other universities
You assume that the student amenities, how fine they are, are free of charge. - I think so
You feel it commonplace that your teachers are from schools like MIT, Stanford and Harvard. - Not many in my department but it doesn't mean my teachers are bad. They are either making good in research or teaching or both. So don't be that fucking arrogant, business slickers
You truly understand that it is University of STRESS and TENSION. - why not?
CGA represents everything. - fuck cga
You freeze your ass off in the library because the air conditioner is on full blast in winter. - I don't know. It's the place for people to study or squeeze their bf/gf and i didn't study and I didn't have bf(!)
Exchange students tell you "isn't UST for University of Sightseeing and Tourism?" - not for those i know
You don't have to take care whether it rains or not because you can simply walk through bridges, lifts and escalators to get to the classrooms / canteen / library. - sure, especially for hall one guys like me
A large part of photos in your album are taken at your university campus. - true
You prefer ThinkPad. - fuck that i have missed this year ownership promotion...
You don't really sleep. - not for now
You are neither a doctor nor a lawyer. - nothing more i can make from this point. YES
You are an IT fan. - nope. not at all. I'm a programmer. I won't say I'm an IT guy also I should be. But the fucking term make me think of the people pretend smart, always try to show they are superior to you technically, dressing up and fooling around. I'm not in that rank and I'm just happy to learn technical knowledge and making progress in my job
You check email every three minutes. - yeh, and gmail has polling
You receive email from the professor at 2:00 am - i did
Every professor thinks that his course is the only one you are taking. - that's absolutely true. So you know HKUST is the place to make your tuition fee worthwhile as you got 4-5 semesters' workload in a single semester
You are late for a 10:00 am class. - usually i'd skip them. not for the music class though
Your boss is amazed at your math. - my math sucks and my boss is from MIT. So the bigger chance is I'm amazed at his math
You have to think about how long it takes on the road only to go out for shopping or tea. - neutral. sometime did and sometime didn't. I'm hall one guy
You run into the University President in the canteen. - used to be like that? Not for Paul Chu
You go back to the campus to swim and play football even after graduation. - no
You admit that you are a nerd or geek. - technically a false, as I'm a nerd and geek
You know that "Nano" is not a type of rice. - come one, it's common sense, really people don't know what nano is?
You date in the library. - date lee lo mo
You fall asleep in the extremely comfortable sofa in the library with unbeaten sea view. - Not for me. but my fyp advisor, prof. Andrew Horner did. and I gave him the nickname 向海男
Whatever you do, your always do it with your heart. - I have to, I'll die without a heart which is working properly
and lastly,
You know you're from HKUST when you're from the most awesome university on the planet! - ok, alright, yea, it's enough pal
You sleep during the day and work during the night. - Used to. Not for now
You think your university is the best in Hong Kong and Asia. - Yeh, and i know the it's vague but everyone have their own definition of goodness
Your friends admire those students' amenities at seafront and such a wonderful sea view at campus. - Most of my friends either HKUST graduates, students, never visit HKUST or visited HKUST too often
You have so many mid-terms, papers and projects while your friends from other university don't. - I don't have too many friends from other universities
You assume that the student amenities, how fine they are, are free of charge. - I think so
You feel it commonplace that your teachers are from schools like MIT, Stanford and Harvard. - Not many in my department but it doesn't mean my teachers are bad. They are either making good in research or teaching or both. So don't be that fucking arrogant, business slickers
You truly understand that it is University of STRESS and TENSION. - why not?
CGA represents everything. - fuck cga
You freeze your ass off in the library because the air conditioner is on full blast in winter. - I don't know. It's the place for people to study or squeeze their bf/gf and i didn't study and I didn't have bf(!)
Exchange students tell you "isn't UST for University of Sightseeing and Tourism?" - not for those i know
You don't have to take care whether it rains or not because you can simply walk through bridges, lifts and escalators to get to the classrooms / canteen / library. - sure, especially for hall one guys like me
A large part of photos in your album are taken at your university campus. - true
You prefer ThinkPad. - fuck that i have missed this year ownership promotion...
You don't really sleep. - not for now
You are neither a doctor nor a lawyer. - nothing more i can make from this point. YES
You are an IT fan. - nope. not at all. I'm a programmer. I won't say I'm an IT guy also I should be. But the fucking term make me think of the people pretend smart, always try to show they are superior to you technically, dressing up and fooling around. I'm not in that rank and I'm just happy to learn technical knowledge and making progress in my job
You check email every three minutes. - yeh, and gmail has polling
You receive email from the professor at 2:00 am - i did
Every professor thinks that his course is the only one you are taking. - that's absolutely true. So you know HKUST is the place to make your tuition fee worthwhile as you got 4-5 semesters' workload in a single semester
You are late for a 10:00 am class. - usually i'd skip them. not for the music class though
Your boss is amazed at your math. - my math sucks and my boss is from MIT. So the bigger chance is I'm amazed at his math
You have to think about how long it takes on the road only to go out for shopping or tea. - neutral. sometime did and sometime didn't. I'm hall one guy
You run into the University President in the canteen. - used to be like that? Not for Paul Chu
You go back to the campus to swim and play football even after graduation. - no
You admit that you are a nerd or geek. - technically a false, as I'm a nerd and geek
You know that "Nano" is not a type of rice. - come one, it's common sense, really people don't know what nano is?
You date in the library. - date lee lo mo
You fall asleep in the extremely comfortable sofa in the library with unbeaten sea view. - Not for me. but my fyp advisor, prof. Andrew Horner did. and I gave him the nickname 向海男
Whatever you do, your always do it with your heart. - I have to, I'll die without a heart which is working properly
and lastly,
You know you're from HKUST when you're from the most awesome university on the planet! - ok, alright, yea, it's enough pal
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Salyu : To U
不過,有一首歌可能是盡在預期之內,這一首獨唱版本的TO U,在朋友從日本把這張Terminal空運回港交到我手前已經聽過了。
當時跟一位Mr.Children的網友說,我覺得Salyu在這個獨唱版的演繹太刻意、表達感情來得太多技巧、不夠自然。事實我很喜歡這一首歌的旋律,小林武史是很學院派的那種音樂人,旋律在流行樂來說可能不夠簡潔(雖然我沒有聽My Little Lover,但這一張Terminal十三首歌都是由他創刀作曲),TO U卻扔然捉到用神,高低起伏之中,夠動聽夠真致。
聽說本來沒有第一個版本的那個Bank Band合唱版。我很記得MC網友初次會面,有人問過是否大家都不太喜歡這一首TO U,當年的結論是大家不習慣有一把女主音伴著櫻井。不過,我其實是初次聽到這一首TO U已經非常喜歡,或許,因為我聽起來是櫻井伴著女主音 — Salyu。
過去一個星期,下班的時候我聽得都是這一首歌。也許一種過於刻意的情感就是需要一首過於刻意的歌去引發。這一首to u使上環的舊街變得如此孤獨,下班的人們臉上的疲累、目光的呆滯,似乎正在被Salyu的歌聲撫慰著,Salyu替他們唱出了他們孤獨的情緒。城巿人的落寞可能都是刻意營造,我們都是那樣,自以為感性。但當你聽著這一首to u,看到高高在上的中銀大廈、IFC第二期、還有最近的新紀元廣場的大鐘,冷冷地看著你,冷冷地看著這一條準備著回家的永樂街,你知道音樂除了是一種娛樂,也使你的情感變得敏銳,感受到你平時感受不到的事物的情感。
不過,有一首歌可能是盡在預期之內,這一首獨唱版本的TO U,在朋友從日本把這張Terminal空運回港交到我手前已經聽過了。
當時跟一位Mr.Children的網友說,我覺得Salyu在這個獨唱版的演繹太刻意、表達感情來得太多技巧、不夠自然。事實我很喜歡這一首歌的旋律,小林武史是很學院派的那種音樂人,旋律在流行樂來說可能不夠簡潔(雖然我沒有聽My Little Lover,但這一張Terminal十三首歌都是由他創刀作曲),TO U卻扔然捉到用神,高低起伏之中,夠動聽夠真致。
聽說本來沒有第一個版本的那個Bank Band合唱版。我很記得MC網友初次會面,有人問過是否大家都不太喜歡這一首TO U,當年的結論是大家不習慣有一把女主音伴著櫻井。不過,我其實是初次聽到這一首TO U已經非常喜歡,或許,因為我聽起來是櫻井伴著女主音 — Salyu。
過去一個星期,下班的時候我聽得都是這一首歌。也許一種過於刻意的情感就是需要一首過於刻意的歌去引發。這一首to u使上環的舊街變得如此孤獨,下班的人們臉上的疲累、目光的呆滯,似乎正在被Salyu的歌聲撫慰著,Salyu替他們唱出了他們孤獨的情緒。城巿人的落寞可能都是刻意營造,我們都是那樣,自以為感性。但當你聽著這一首to u,看到高高在上的中銀大廈、IFC第二期、還有最近的新紀元廣場的大鐘,冷冷地看著你,冷冷地看著這一條準備著回家的永樂街,你知道音樂除了是一種娛樂,也使你的情感變得敏銳,感受到你平時感受不到的事物的情感。
Monday, September 17, 2007
Hairspray 戀愛大爆髮 (2007)
一個虛構的故事,setting是1963年的巴爾的摩。1963年是美國近代民權運動的一個重要年份,著名的民權運動領袖馬丁路德金發表了任何人都知有其事的"I Have a Dream"演說。如果說我們只是對種族主義的壓迫完全無知的一群白痴,我對你說我只能誠惶誠恐地承認:「你說的對」。
搖滾樂是藍調的兒子。如果你希望說得成實一點,那麼搖滾樂應該是白人剽竊黑人音樂然後把他弄成白人專有玩意兒的一種音樂類認,那是完全不容否認的。The Who的Pete Townshend說,我們都欠著黑人。只要你聽著那些早期搖滾或節奏藍調以至熱.爵士的火氣熱情、無限活力,你就知道搖滾樂有鄉村音樂之形,但那些精神力量是源自節奏藍調的性感熱情。自由奔放的搖滾樂原真是來自黑人,早期搖滾樂手的成功都靠模仿黑人,包括地位有如神一般的米積加。
P.S. 原來現在由米雪菲花飾演的大奸角,原版是由Blondie的Debbie Harry演出,我只聽過她跟Iggy Pop的一首合唱,很不錯呢。
一個虛構的故事,setting是1963年的巴爾的摩。1963年是美國近代民權運動的一個重要年份,著名的民權運動領袖馬丁路德金發表了任何人都知有其事的"I Have a Dream"演說。如果說我們只是對種族主義的壓迫完全無知的一群白痴,我對你說我只能誠惶誠恐地承認:「你說的對」。
搖滾樂是藍調的兒子。如果你希望說得成實一點,那麼搖滾樂應該是白人剽竊黑人音樂然後把他弄成白人專有玩意兒的一種音樂類認,那是完全不容否認的。The Who的Pete Townshend說,我們都欠著黑人。只要你聽著那些早期搖滾或節奏藍調以至熱.爵士的火氣熱情、無限活力,你就知道搖滾樂有鄉村音樂之形,但那些精神力量是源自節奏藍調的性感熱情。自由奔放的搖滾樂原真是來自黑人,早期搖滾樂手的成功都靠模仿黑人,包括地位有如神一般的米積加。
P.S. 原來現在由米雪菲花飾演的大奸角,原版是由Blondie的Debbie Harry演出,我只聽過她跟Iggy Pop的一首合唱,很不錯呢。
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
You know you're from Hong Kong when...
You pretend (and tell people) that you know Mandarin because you can speak Cantonese. - No, I pretend and tell people i can't speak Mandarin and I actually can't speak. But I can talk to people in Mandarin quite fluently(!)
You started singing karaoke when you were five. - should be when i was 19 or something
You are an expert in mahjong. - I play, but without really knowing the rule
You tip only 10%. - what do u mean by only?
You prefer Sony. - Sorry
You have more than 30 cousins. - No
You confuse Welcome with Wellcome. - Never
You have many credit cards. - I have exactly one credit card
You have more than two DVD players at home. - if dc dvd rom count, i should have 5
You wear famous brand clothes: DKNY, Versace, Chanel, Polo, etc. even though all your Polo shirts are from ladies’ market. - I have none of these brands
You always have the latest mobile phone. - not at all. I start to have my self mobile at 19 and i only have had 2 up to now and the latest one is a more than 2 years model
You play badminton. - No
You drink vita soy. - No, lemon tea though
You love to go yum cha. - I like it but not really keen on that.
Your friends ask you if Hong Kong is a country. - this one is for overseas hong kong people
You call a lot of your friends Fei Jai. - No. I call a lot of my friends pok guy
You’ve lost a lot of money on the Mark Six. - No. just ever bought 2 or 3 in my life
You know what it means when you call someone inch. -why not?
You eat instant noodles too often. - This is a relative question and i do think i am, just don't know if really too often to compare with others
You've dyed your hair before. - Never
You are studying engineering, business management or law. - I'm an engineering student.
You try to avoid pork chops. And i'm not talking about the food. - sure
When you go back to Hong Kong, the last thing your smoking friend asks you is to buy them a carton of Reds. - I live in hong kong
You read "tsing tao" instead of "world journal" or "china press." - it's a tough question. I think I don't reap papers
You party at Club 7-11. - No party for me
You ALWAYS buy real software and DVDs. ALWAYS. - I often buy the not so real DVD
You never order appetizers at a restaurant. - Yup
Your Chinese handwriting really sucks. - I never met anyone sucker then me. I bet you're not. Many people challenge me before and all surrender when they actually saw my writing.
You build a mountain of salad when you eat in Pizza Hut. - I never eat in Pizza Hut
Your stationery has pictures of your favourite cartoon character. - Nope
People accuse you of having (and starting) SARS. - Not for me
Your foreign friends don't mess with you because they think you know kung fu. - I friendly to them because they don't think I know kung fu
You have a collection of model robots, built or yet to be built. - Not for me
If someone buys something, you brag about how its cheaper in Hong Kong. - Never
When you leave HK, you always stock up on duty free at the airport. - I never leave HK
When having dim sum, you rinse your dishes in hot water before you eat. - I do
You have two middle initials instead of the usual one. - I don't really understand this...but i think i do
You spit bones and food scraps on the table. - Not much to tell on this
You have heaps of shoes and slippers blocking the entrance to your home. - not for me
Your kitchen is coated in a film of sticky grease. - i don't have my own kitchen
Your cook top is covered with tin foil. - no
You buy $10 VCDs. - I don't. I buy DVD
You hate nerds, even though you are one. - I hate people hate nerds. You are not any smarter just because you are not a nerd. You are not nerdy you can still be retarded.
You ask, "when are you going back to Hong Kong?" instead of "when are you going to Hong Kong?". - never ask
You miss the drinks and snacks that you can only get in Hong Kong. - I don't
You have a Walkman, Discman and Minidisk player that you don’t use anymore because you use an MP3 player. - I'm still using my Discman
You use tick tick pencils instead of regular pencils. - True
You've played all the computer games that have ever come out. - I only play FM right now
You play ... err ... you ARE the Street Fighter Champion. - I'm not good at that
You show off your mobile phone that you got in Hong Kong "for cheap." - Nope
Your luggage is near empty when you arrive in HK, and it's full when you leave. - Not for me
You expect to pay for transport in other countries with your Octopus card, only to be disappointed. - never visit other countries
If your are a guy you are really interested in military stuff (guns, aircraft, tanks), but you’re too pussy to be a soldier. - No interest at all.
You inherit your elder brother's clothes and your younger brother inherits your clothes. - I don't have any brothers
You once had loads of 4wd model cars. - No
You’ve had a Tamagotchi. - No, never
You have a PlayStation, Gamecube, Xbox and you will get the Xbox 360 soon. - kind of correct
You use Bak Fa Yao. - Nope
Justin's gay. - Steal tin or Justin Timberlake ain't gay. They are meat eaters
You have at least one shirt that says "Hong Kong" on the front. - I have 3 writes "The Who", none with "Hong Kong"
When there is a sale on toilet paper, you buy 100 rolls and store them in your closet or in the bedroom of an adult child who has moved out. - My mum does and I take it as myself
You have a vinyl table cloth on your kitchen table. - Nope
You use Park 'N Shop bags as binliners. - Alright
You always leave your shoes at the door. - True
You have a piano in your living room. - Used to, now only my organ
You can twirl your pen around your fingers. - I can't
You eat red bean popsicles. - I don't like it
When you go to a dance party, there are a wall of guys surrounding the dance floor trying to look cool. - never go to dance party
People ask you if there are trees in Hong Kong, and they don't believe you when you tell them that 76% of HK is green. - Maybe, my American roommate, sean, did tell me he has though hong kong is not that green but it ends up trees are everywhere
You wish you were Son Goku. - I want to be vegeta
Or that you had Ding Dong's pouch. - i don't
Owning a Mercedes Benz means you are well off, but it's nothing compared to owning a lawn mower - the ultimate status symbol. - I agree with this. I don't fancy Mercedes at all. It's everywhere in HK. The point is people having this are just having a lower class and have to drive by themselves. Pointless. Why drive an old man car when u are trying to get a girl in your car? May it be the (kong) girls only view money but not taste.
You feel like you've gotten a good deal if you didn't pay tax. - why not?
If you're a guy, you wear basketball shorts as pajamas. - True
Your mother used to hit you with a chicken-feather duster and shout "da sei lei!" - this one is good
You beat eggs with chopsticks instead of a fork. - I beat it with what ever I've got. usually a bowl
You like Chinese films in their original undubbed versions. - sure
You're in another country and everything moves so slowly. - it should be
You like congee with thousand year old eggs. - i think you mean skin egg? yes!
You prefer your shrimp with the heads and legs still attached. - nope, i love convenience
You're in love with David Beckham. More for the ladies, but some of you guys do too ;) - this guy is fucking overrated in a way.
You use a face cloth. - I hope i get it right
You use a clothes line. - yup
You starve yourself before going to all you can eat sushi. - I don't eat sushi
You miss the MTR, and Red Taxis. - what for? paying money?
You know someone who can get you a good deal on electronics. - Nope
Chinese food in other countries doesn't taste right. - I'll bet
You never discuss your love life with your parents. - Come on, i don't even discuss with my friend
Your parents are never happy with your grades. - things changed when I has been into university, because they don't know and don't care anymore.
You keep most of your money in a savings account. - Yes
You love Chinese Martial Arts films. - not really love but it's alright to me.
You have Tupperware in your fridge with three bites of rice or one leftover chicken wing. - No
Shaolin and Wu Tang actually mean something to you. - Sure, I know them
You shat your pants before the 1997 handover. - I don't, nothing to be afraid. When it has to come, it has to come.
You own a Snoopy toy from Mcdonalds. - Never
You never order sweet-n-sour pork, egg foo young, or chop suey at a Chinese restaurant. - Maybe
You tell your friends that people don’t actually eat prawn crackers in HK, and they don't believe you. - never tell this to my friend
You turn bright red after drinking alcohol. - I never try but i think i do
You look like you are sixteen. - SURE!!!
You have more than five remotes in your house. - true
You wear (or need) glasses. - yep, since 11 or 12
Your parents (or some other close relative) own a grocery store or restaurant. - No
Your grandmother lives with you and your family. - it's more complicated than this but i think it's kind of correct
You always have water when dining out. - yes
You say aiya! and wah!. - wei! wei! waa!! wasa!!!!
You’re mum talks to you in Chinese and you reply in English. - i don't
It annoys you how shops close at 5pm in other countries and you expect them to be open. - I think so
You love little red envelopes. - I'm alright with this
You cut your own hair, or get friends to cut your hair. - no
You know at least three people named Alan Wong. - seems not
People don't believe that you live on the 28th floor. - i don't think so
Your dad is some sort of engineer. - sort of correct
Your parents still tried to get you into places half-price saying you were 12 when you were really 15. - maybe
You ask your parents help on one math problem and 2 hours later they're still lecturing. - never ask
You're in another country and you try to make a local call, but wtf? you have to pay for it! - never in another country
You have a 40 lb. bag of rice in your kitchen. - I think so
You've had a bowl haircut at one time in your life. - ok
Your parents compare you with their colleagues' nerdy kids. - sure
You've mastered the art of bargaining. - No
You eat bak choy. - sure
You wish you could go back to Hong Kong for just 1 day, which you would spend shopping and eating. - sure
Your favourite movie is Shaolin Soccer. - no, not at all
And you play football in baak faan yu. - no i don't
You make a list of things to do and buy when you get back. - NO
You have no eyelashes. - what?
Your parents expect you to be best friends with nerds. - I think so
And always tell you your cool friends are bad. - I have friends want to be cool but they don't. Some nerdy pretend smart and they don't
Your relatives' houses smell like incense. - No
Everyone thinks you're good at math. - No
You say, "University level maths? I took University level maths in year 8!" - No
You are the god of gamblers. (doe sun) - I don't gamble
You think Sailor Moon is hot. - She sucks. Kind of kong girl
You learned about the birds and the bees from someone other than your parents. - I think so
You have way more technology than your foreign friends. - No
All of your friends ask you to translate whenever they see Chinese characters. - true
The vast majority of the people related to you wear glasses/contacts. - true
Your parents have either made you play the piano, the violin, or both. - not exactly but i think it does the same way
You get nothing if you do well in school, but crapped on if you don't. - I think so
You think Mcdonalds in other countries is expensive. - sure
You get homesick when you watch Rush Hour 2. - nope
Your dad still pulls his socks up to his knees. - i don't think so. I haven't checked but i don't think so
Your family always cheers for the Asian athlete on TV. - Not exactly
The furniture in your house never matches the wallpaper, the carpet, the decorations, or any of the rest of the furniture. - i think so
You hit aeroplanes. - I don't understand this!(do you think i'd tell you this?)
You own a rice cooker. - it belongs to my mum
You buy soy sauce by the gallon. - no
People think that PK stands for Penalty Kick, but you know what it really means - to be true, in person I never say pk, what for? I simply speak it out, yes, you are pok guy
Your friends ask you if Hong Kong is in Japan. - no
You tell all of your foreign friends that you are related to Jackie Chan and they believe you. - i didn't
and lastly,
You know you're from Hong Kong when you're from the most awesome city in the world! - i don't. I'm from a crowded and rushing city.
So, I don't think I'm from Hong Kong
You started singing karaoke when you were five. - should be when i was 19 or something
You are an expert in mahjong. - I play, but without really knowing the rule
You tip only 10%. - what do u mean by only?
You prefer Sony. - Sorry
You have more than 30 cousins. - No
You confuse Welcome with Wellcome. - Never
You have many credit cards. - I have exactly one credit card
You have more than two DVD players at home. - if dc dvd rom count, i should have 5
You wear famous brand clothes: DKNY, Versace, Chanel, Polo, etc. even though all your Polo shirts are from ladies’ market. - I have none of these brands
You always have the latest mobile phone. - not at all. I start to have my self mobile at 19 and i only have had 2 up to now and the latest one is a more than 2 years model
You play badminton. - No
You drink vita soy. - No, lemon tea though
You love to go yum cha. - I like it but not really keen on that.
Your friends ask you if Hong Kong is a country. - this one is for overseas hong kong people
You call a lot of your friends Fei Jai. - No. I call a lot of my friends pok guy
You’ve lost a lot of money on the Mark Six. - No. just ever bought 2 or 3 in my life
You know what it means when you call someone inch. -why not?
You eat instant noodles too often. - This is a relative question and i do think i am, just don't know if really too often to compare with others
You've dyed your hair before. - Never
You are studying engineering, business management or law. - I'm an engineering student.
You try to avoid pork chops. And i'm not talking about the food. - sure
When you go back to Hong Kong, the last thing your smoking friend asks you is to buy them a carton of Reds. - I live in hong kong
You read "tsing tao" instead of "world journal" or "china press." - it's a tough question. I think I don't reap papers
You party at Club 7-11. - No party for me
You ALWAYS buy real software and DVDs. ALWAYS. - I often buy the not so real DVD
You never order appetizers at a restaurant. - Yup
Your Chinese handwriting really sucks. - I never met anyone sucker then me. I bet you're not. Many people challenge me before and all surrender when they actually saw my writing.
You build a mountain of salad when you eat in Pizza Hut. - I never eat in Pizza Hut
Your stationery has pictures of your favourite cartoon character. - Nope
People accuse you of having (and starting) SARS. - Not for me
Your foreign friends don't mess with you because they think you know kung fu. - I friendly to them because they don't think I know kung fu
You have a collection of model robots, built or yet to be built. - Not for me
If someone buys something, you brag about how its cheaper in Hong Kong. - Never
When you leave HK, you always stock up on duty free at the airport. - I never leave HK
When having dim sum, you rinse your dishes in hot water before you eat. - I do
You have two middle initials instead of the usual one. - I don't really understand this...but i think i do
You spit bones and food scraps on the table. - Not much to tell on this
You have heaps of shoes and slippers blocking the entrance to your home. - not for me
Your kitchen is coated in a film of sticky grease. - i don't have my own kitchen
Your cook top is covered with tin foil. - no
You buy $10 VCDs. - I don't. I buy DVD
You hate nerds, even though you are one. - I hate people hate nerds. You are not any smarter just because you are not a nerd. You are not nerdy you can still be retarded.
You ask, "when are you going back to Hong Kong?" instead of "when are you going to Hong Kong?". - never ask
You miss the drinks and snacks that you can only get in Hong Kong. - I don't
You have a Walkman, Discman and Minidisk player that you don’t use anymore because you use an MP3 player. - I'm still using my Discman
You use tick tick pencils instead of regular pencils. - True
You've played all the computer games that have ever come out. - I only play FM right now
You play ... err ... you ARE the Street Fighter Champion. - I'm not good at that
You show off your mobile phone that you got in Hong Kong "for cheap." - Nope
Your luggage is near empty when you arrive in HK, and it's full when you leave. - Not for me
You expect to pay for transport in other countries with your Octopus card, only to be disappointed. - never visit other countries
If your are a guy you are really interested in military stuff (guns, aircraft, tanks), but you’re too pussy to be a soldier. - No interest at all.
You inherit your elder brother's clothes and your younger brother inherits your clothes. - I don't have any brothers
You once had loads of 4wd model cars. - No
You’ve had a Tamagotchi. - No, never
You have a PlayStation, Gamecube, Xbox and you will get the Xbox 360 soon. - kind of correct
You use Bak Fa Yao. - Nope
Justin's gay. - Steal tin or Justin Timberlake ain't gay. They are meat eaters
You have at least one shirt that says "Hong Kong" on the front. - I have 3 writes "The Who", none with "Hong Kong"
When there is a sale on toilet paper, you buy 100 rolls and store them in your closet or in the bedroom of an adult child who has moved out. - My mum does and I take it as myself
You have a vinyl table cloth on your kitchen table. - Nope
You use Park 'N Shop bags as binliners. - Alright
You always leave your shoes at the door. - True
You have a piano in your living room. - Used to, now only my organ
You can twirl your pen around your fingers. - I can't
You eat red bean popsicles. - I don't like it
When you go to a dance party, there are a wall of guys surrounding the dance floor trying to look cool. - never go to dance party
People ask you if there are trees in Hong Kong, and they don't believe you when you tell them that 76% of HK is green. - Maybe, my American roommate, sean, did tell me he has though hong kong is not that green but it ends up trees are everywhere
You wish you were Son Goku. - I want to be vegeta
Or that you had Ding Dong's pouch. - i don't
Owning a Mercedes Benz means you are well off, but it's nothing compared to owning a lawn mower - the ultimate status symbol. - I agree with this. I don't fancy Mercedes at all. It's everywhere in HK. The point is people having this are just having a lower class and have to drive by themselves. Pointless. Why drive an old man car when u are trying to get a girl in your car? May it be the (kong) girls only view money but not taste.
You feel like you've gotten a good deal if you didn't pay tax. - why not?
If you're a guy, you wear basketball shorts as pajamas. - True
Your mother used to hit you with a chicken-feather duster and shout "da sei lei!" - this one is good
You beat eggs with chopsticks instead of a fork. - I beat it with what ever I've got. usually a bowl
You like Chinese films in their original undubbed versions. - sure
You're in another country and everything moves so slowly. - it should be
You like congee with thousand year old eggs. - i think you mean skin egg? yes!
You prefer your shrimp with the heads and legs still attached. - nope, i love convenience
You're in love with David Beckham. More for the ladies, but some of you guys do too ;) - this guy is fucking overrated in a way.
You use a face cloth. - I hope i get it right
You use a clothes line. - yup
You starve yourself before going to all you can eat sushi. - I don't eat sushi
You miss the MTR, and Red Taxis. - what for? paying money?
You know someone who can get you a good deal on electronics. - Nope
Chinese food in other countries doesn't taste right. - I'll bet
You never discuss your love life with your parents. - Come on, i don't even discuss with my friend
Your parents are never happy with your grades. - things changed when I has been into university, because they don't know and don't care anymore.
You keep most of your money in a savings account. - Yes
You love Chinese Martial Arts films. - not really love but it's alright to me.
You have Tupperware in your fridge with three bites of rice or one leftover chicken wing. - No
Shaolin and Wu Tang actually mean something to you. - Sure, I know them
You shat your pants before the 1997 handover. - I don't, nothing to be afraid. When it has to come, it has to come.
You own a Snoopy toy from Mcdonalds. - Never
You never order sweet-n-sour pork, egg foo young, or chop suey at a Chinese restaurant. - Maybe
You tell your friends that people don’t actually eat prawn crackers in HK, and they don't believe you. - never tell this to my friend
You turn bright red after drinking alcohol. - I never try but i think i do
You look like you are sixteen. - SURE!!!
You have more than five remotes in your house. - true
You wear (or need) glasses. - yep, since 11 or 12
Your parents (or some other close relative) own a grocery store or restaurant. - No
Your grandmother lives with you and your family. - it's more complicated than this but i think it's kind of correct
You always have water when dining out. - yes
You say aiya! and wah!. - wei! wei! waa!! wasa!!!!
You’re mum talks to you in Chinese and you reply in English. - i don't
It annoys you how shops close at 5pm in other countries and you expect them to be open. - I think so
You love little red envelopes. - I'm alright with this
You cut your own hair, or get friends to cut your hair. - no
You know at least three people named Alan Wong. - seems not
People don't believe that you live on the 28th floor. - i don't think so
Your dad is some sort of engineer. - sort of correct
Your parents still tried to get you into places half-price saying you were 12 when you were really 15. - maybe
You ask your parents help on one math problem and 2 hours later they're still lecturing. - never ask
You're in another country and you try to make a local call, but wtf? you have to pay for it! - never in another country
You have a 40 lb. bag of rice in your kitchen. - I think so
You've had a bowl haircut at one time in your life. - ok
Your parents compare you with their colleagues' nerdy kids. - sure
You've mastered the art of bargaining. - No
You eat bak choy. - sure
You wish you could go back to Hong Kong for just 1 day, which you would spend shopping and eating. - sure
Your favourite movie is Shaolin Soccer. - no, not at all
And you play football in baak faan yu. - no i don't
You make a list of things to do and buy when you get back. - NO
You have no eyelashes. - what?
Your parents expect you to be best friends with nerds. - I think so
And always tell you your cool friends are bad. - I have friends want to be cool but they don't. Some nerdy pretend smart and they don't
Your relatives' houses smell like incense. - No
Everyone thinks you're good at math. - No
You say, "University level maths? I took University level maths in year 8!" - No
You are the god of gamblers. (doe sun) - I don't gamble
You think Sailor Moon is hot. - She sucks. Kind of kong girl
You learned about the birds and the bees from someone other than your parents. - I think so
You have way more technology than your foreign friends. - No
All of your friends ask you to translate whenever they see Chinese characters. - true
The vast majority of the people related to you wear glasses/contacts. - true
Your parents have either made you play the piano, the violin, or both. - not exactly but i think it does the same way
You get nothing if you do well in school, but crapped on if you don't. - I think so
You think Mcdonalds in other countries is expensive. - sure
You get homesick when you watch Rush Hour 2. - nope
Your dad still pulls his socks up to his knees. - i don't think so. I haven't checked but i don't think so
Your family always cheers for the Asian athlete on TV. - Not exactly
The furniture in your house never matches the wallpaper, the carpet, the decorations, or any of the rest of the furniture. - i think so
You hit aeroplanes. - I don't understand this!(do you think i'd tell you this?)
You own a rice cooker. - it belongs to my mum
You buy soy sauce by the gallon. - no
People think that PK stands for Penalty Kick, but you know what it really means - to be true, in person I never say pk, what for? I simply speak it out, yes, you are pok guy
Your friends ask you if Hong Kong is in Japan. - no
You tell all of your foreign friends that you are related to Jackie Chan and they believe you. - i didn't
and lastly,
You know you're from Hong Kong when you're from the most awesome city in the world! - i don't. I'm from a crowded and rushing city.
So, I don't think I'm from Hong Kong
Sunday, September 09, 2007

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Yureruwa, Yureruwa, Yureruwa
Freddie Mercury那兩撇像毛蟲一樣的鬍子,兩隻假哨牙,有時胖起來仍然身穿低V緊身「現代」褲,露出一堆胸毛,活像吳孟達……
即使他的一切都Over the top,行為誇張失實,外型老套可笑,但他的能力、魅力與全情入卻壓倒一切,而且把那些誇張失實及老套可笑成他最利害的武器。
在我眼中,或許各樣風格的成份不同,David Bowie一樣有這個能力,Iggy Pop有,張國榮有,桑田佳祐有,YUKI也有。而當一個歌手在台上可以做出一切行為仍然令觀眾不顧一切地投入,這就是絕對的星味,我們有時叫他做壓場感。
如果說以上說的那些舞台魅力及高聲嘶哮都只是掩眼法,不如又看一看這一個Hitotsu dake的 acoustic version。我自己覺得Takuya的acoustic結他真的不行,interlude的位置通常都欠流暢,但YUKI運用聲線表達感情的能力實在非常突出,可說是在她的慢歌中不尋常地異常精彩的演出。
Freddie Mercury那兩撇像毛蟲一樣的鬍子,兩隻假哨牙,有時胖起來仍然身穿低V緊身「現代」褲,露出一堆胸毛,活像吳孟達……
即使他的一切都Over the top,行為誇張失實,外型老套可笑,但他的能力、魅力與全情入卻壓倒一切,而且把那些誇張失實及老套可笑成他最利害的武器。
在我眼中,或許各樣風格的成份不同,David Bowie一樣有這個能力,Iggy Pop有,張國榮有,桑田佳祐有,YUKI也有。而當一個歌手在台上可以做出一切行為仍然令觀眾不顧一切地投入,這就是絕對的星味,我們有時叫他做壓場感。
如果說以上說的那些舞台魅力及高聲嘶哮都只是掩眼法,不如又看一看這一個Hitotsu dake的 acoustic version。我自己覺得Takuya的acoustic結他真的不行,interlude的位置通常都欠流暢,但YUKI運用聲線表達感情的能力實在非常突出,可說是在她的慢歌中不尋常地異常精彩的演出。
Monday, September 03, 2007
4 - 5 - 1
我自己就覺得,如果係你強隊,係拎住個波黎踢既,如果你個lone striker,係呢類柱躉中鋒,就比較適合踢4-3-3,前鋒另外兩個係呢d可以踢邊可以入中間果d,中場重心就防中位果一個,陣地時可以逗深d分兩邊,上波時打返長線d用中鋒掩護或者set俾兩邊去波,係比較理想。如果個lone striker係走位好速度高果d,就真係要有個好keyman,中場由佢開始上波,陣地時等佢係d最難做野既位做串連,兩邊既球員就最好係純翼唔入中間踢係邊線果種,幫手扯d空位。
Q1. 今場車路既4-5-1有乜問題?
我自己就覺得,如果係你強隊,係拎住個波黎踢既,如果你個lone striker,係呢類柱躉中鋒,就比較適合踢4-3-3,前鋒另外兩個係呢d可以踢邊可以入中間果d,中場重心就防中位果一個,陣地時可以逗深d分兩邊,上波時打返長線d用中鋒掩護或者set俾兩邊去波,係比較理想。如果個lone striker係走位好速度高果d,就真係要有個好keyman,中場由佢開始上波,陣地時等佢係d最難做野既位做串連,兩邊既球員就最好係純翼唔入中間踢係邊線果種,幫手扯d空位。
Q1. 今場車路既4-5-1有乜問題?
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Saturday, September 01, 2007
這首Birthday Song是Judy and Mary銷量達到頂點的一張大碟Power Source的第一首歌,銷量大約是210萬。事實說是的話多又不算太多,97年仍然算是日本樂壇銷量盛極的時間,仍然是那個很容易就把唱片賣到200萬的年代,在日本史上大碟的銷量排名亦只在65位,97年間的銷量亦只不過排第4,跟第3位的距離約有110萬。(同年有Mr.Children的Bolero,史上14,年間第2,售出約326萬)
我一直都認為Birthday Song跟Mr.Children的Dance Dance Dance很相似。從音樂的角度其實是真的有像,重電量,Bass搶耳,多部旋律,主旋律導向非常明顯等等……
同場加映Music Fighter,留意兩曲編曲的節奏感,指的是攻擊或重點的起伏位置,即是指那些引人注目的Guitar/Bass/鼓的Fill又或者是叫喊,總之就是指那些在你把腦袋放鬆後,擊在腦中使你注意的地方,唔,實在是太精彩了。
這首Birthday Song是Judy and Mary銷量達到頂點的一張大碟Power Source的第一首歌,銷量大約是210萬。事實說是的話多又不算太多,97年仍然算是日本樂壇銷量盛極的時間,仍然是那個很容易就把唱片賣到200萬的年代,在日本史上大碟的銷量排名亦只在65位,97年間的銷量亦只不過排第4,跟第3位的距離約有110萬。(同年有Mr.Children的Bolero,史上14,年間第2,售出約326萬)
我一直都認為Birthday Song跟Mr.Children的Dance Dance Dance很相似。從音樂的角度其實是真的有像,重電量,Bass搶耳,多部旋律,主旋律導向非常明顯等等……
同場加映Music Fighter,留意兩曲編曲的節奏感,指的是攻擊或重點的起伏位置,即是指那些引人注目的Guitar/Bass/鼓的Fill又或者是叫喊,總之就是指那些在你把腦袋放鬆後,擊在腦中使你注意的地方,唔,實在是太精彩了。
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Writtien by YH Lam. Original Posted at www.yickhong.blogspot.com
Writtien by YH Lam. Original Posted at www.yickhong.blogspot.com