南華 vs 傑志,我冇去睇。但當我係網上見人講今日報紙竟然用全版去講本地波,我即刻標去拎黎睇,果一刻係真係有點感動帶激動的。
(攝影:「科大小鋼炮」朱古力波 模特兒:「和富大埔隊長」陳旭智)
FW: ESPN靚女主持對hk波的睇法
Hong Kong - and football...
I have just arrived back from Hong Kong, my first time there and wow what a place i loved it, great atmosphere and great personality!
I spent half of my time with my jaw hanging off staring at everything and taking all the sights, sounds and smells in.
Anyway no surprises i went there to watch a football match - heavyweights of the Hong Kong league fighting for the title - South China vs Kitchee!
To be honest i was quite surprised with the atmosphere and attendance, the South China fans shouted, screamed and chanted for the whole 90 minutes (i was sat right next to them, sure my hearing's gone a bit funny now!)
It was the first time for 16 years (1991) that the MongKok stadium has been at full capacity - and no i don't think it's because i was there! (hey i did get myself in the HK newspapers though this morning so i must have done something right!)
Everytime i go and watch Asian football i puzzle and question over why people support and English team over their local team and why according to my numerous research has the popularity of Asian football decreased on such a huge scale.
When i was in the hotel, i spoke to a local and i mentioned i was going to the match and he said "no point boring football"! Well maybe it's because of the mass media exposure of European football and its increased revenues that only a handful care about there local league...saying that i think it's a vicious circle if the locals don't care, then the players don't care and that equals as my hotel acquitance said "boring football"!
Was it boring? No i don't think so...the loyal fans that were there had the pride and passion of every football lover...admitedly the football wasn't what you expect from EPL or La Liga, but all the other qualities were there, enthusiasm, passion, a love for the game, a will to win, a fight, a goal, team spirit, determination and 2 coaches that so badly want to take the title...
That's football isn't it?
Oh and i have to get this in - THE BLADES WON - We're staying, we're staying up. we're staying up!!! (that's me singing!)
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