Saturday, March 03, 2007

Hollywood my ass

Ok, I have watched a lot hollywood movies, I like a lot of hollywood movies. But i can never understand why people are so excited when any hong kong related people or movies grabbed something in the academy awards.

What the hell its about? its US movie industry, that's it and that's all? Why are u so happy of the departed win something in there, when u have already got the best actor and actress and movies in Cannes? When you can get something in golden gobal or Cannes, you can just fuck the academy, it's nothing but money.

I have just watched cinema cinema cinema, and there's a comedy or something called catch and release...Another hollywood love story and it is about magic in your life, again. Magic, yeh, there's always magic in your life and you just don't know when it will come. just believe it and have a good life until you know the truth.


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