Saturday, August 23, 2008

You can't stay in here all day dreaming about heroin...and Ziggy Pop

Diane: The world's changing. Music's changing. Even drugs are changing. You can't stay in here all day dreaming about heroin...and Ziggy Pop.

Mark: It's lggy Pop.

Diane: Whatever. I mean, the guy's dead anyway.

Mark: Iggy Pop is not dead. He toured last year. Tommy went to see him.

Diane: The point is, you've got to find something new.

Quote from Trainspotting(1996)

Yea, who still fucking cares Iggy Pop, even in 1996.

And now, it's 2008. I'm going to be 27 in a week.

The Drugs has been changing, now we don't talk about LSD anymore.

Who wants to remain the same? You are 27 now, the moment to be a sweet neighborhood bloke has passed and now you should pretend smart, pursuit a fucking career and try hard to be suckcess. You have to be strong and you need to be strong. Make it clear to your family, your friends, your mate and your love, you are a fucking smart guy that know stuff and don't be shy to step up and teasing on anyone close to you just to show them you are the smarter. And please make sure you bring some cash back home and going to bring more and more cash and someday you will bring 10 times the money each of your bringing.

True love? Fuck that. These days are too fast for true love. Now we are talking about having the best person to marry. If you ain't that kind of person, then you are fucked. Think about it, who dares to love forever? huh?(thx Brian)

Music Fan Rule number one. Don't tell the girls you are listening to the nobody-caring Ziggy or Iggy Pop. Come on, it's The New Order, what's the point to talk about the dead man Ian Curtis? There's no Joy Division anymore. Who the fuck is Iggy Pop? We are talking about Mika! Don't be stupid to let people know that you are an old bastard caring those old bastards. We are not talking about who's great, the point is we just care about who is now the man. The man, the man, the man.

Being emotionally and sentimentally inmature is no good. Learn to forget, wanker. If you can forget about love, why not the fucking worthless rock music?


Tak Shing Leung said...


Tak Shing Leung said...


Yick-Hong Lam said...

yes ar yes ar yes ar

Tak Shing Leung said...


Yick-Hong Lam said...


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